Our mission is to inspire people to experience and share a deeper meaning of life and positivity for themselves, their community and the planet as a whole.
Our vision is to infuse positivity back into society and the planet by sharing our messages that remind people that they are capable of anything, regardless of where they are currently in their life. This is a collective exercise especially since we are all connected. This collective will raise the overall vibration so that we all become more aware of each other and our planet and do everything we can to support it and protect it in the most healthy way possible.
Hi, I’m Tony! 👋
REVO NICHE was initially inspired by my father, who raised me always with positivity. That positive outlook has continuously propelled me further in life and kept me optimistic with an “I can do anything” attitude.
Throughout the years, I started collecting positive/inspirational quotes that motivated me…from friends, family, artists, musicians, philosophers, etc. I would hear one and say, “That needs to be on a T-shirt”. Once I started looking around for shirts like that, I soon found that they didn’t exist in the way I thought they should. 4 years ago, as I was becoming disenchanted with my current work, I realized that I wanted to create something more purpose-driven and heart-centered.
The big catalyst was attending a Tony Robbins immersion where I was inspired to move forward and create Revo Niche. Because positive quotes were integral in my life, I decided to infuse them into everyday apparel that we all wear, and then use them to empower others.
It would not only keep my life in an inspirational flow but would also elevate others in their own life. I had imagined something visually simple and beautiful in design, but deep and thought-provoking in content. The intention being to make a difference in the world and have an impact on how positivity is shared, experienced, and lived by everyone…because I really believe we are all capable of anything.
Because my long-term goal was to have an impact on our world with more realization about the protection and revitalization of our world, it was important to find the right charity for alignment. I also plan on creating programs and educational platforms through philanthropic endeavors to raise this awareness. After an extensive search, I found 1% for the Planet, which is an ideal partnership for REVO NICHE. Essentially, I pledge to donate 1% of all yearly sales towards this organization where we are both unified in making our planet a better place to live.
Meet The Artist
Tony Delia
I have been a professional in the creative industry for 36 years, but have been an artist since I was a kid.
I grew up drawing with my mother, who always inspired me to be creative. She had me constantly entering drawing contests in the TV Guide (def dating myself!) I won my first poster contest in 6th grade for dental week, using the Stars Wars theme!
She was the one who suggested I take some art classes in college just to “try them out” knowing somehow that I would find my way to Graphic Design. I received my BFA in Fine Arts & Design from William Paterson University, then worked in NYC (as the “art guy”) for large advertising agencies and small design studios over the span of 18 years.
I moved to Asheville for a better quality of life and opened up my own branding and design studio for the last 18 years (see a pattern here!). Besides designing and developing advertising campaigns, concepts, logos, brochures, websites, etc, I designed hundreds of T-shirts!
I always loved designing shirts, because it was so much more about the purity of the art. But more importantly, it was essentially “walking” art, with movement and flow that could capture the attention of so many different types of people! For many years in advertising, I had created materials with so many guidelines for the sole purpose of promoting and selling products.
As I transitioned into REVO NICHE, it was so freeing to create simple, beautiful designs with a minimalistic phrase, that personally inspired me on how I wanted to live my life.
When you wear your favorite shirt, you’re not trying to do anything…you’re wearing it because it means something TO YOU, as a personal statement…and just because you love it!
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